Category Archives: newborns

Stalk Me…Um I Mean Check Me Out!

Well it was high time for an upgrade!

Check out my new website/blog here:

and it’s a girl!!!! {Scottsdale AZ Maternity Photography}

It’s so much planning special shoots for my clients!  This adorbs family agreed to letting me help them celebrate the soon-to-be new addition to the family with a gender revealment shoot.

Thank you for letting me be there to capture this precious moment for your family!940 x 519 Gilbert, Chandler, Mesa, Scottsdale, Phoenix AZ Maternity, Baby, Newborn, Family Photography940 x 685 Gilbert AZ Maternity Photography940 x 685 Gilbert, Scottsdale AZ Child, Family Photography

We also had to get in some pics of beautiful big sissy too:)

940 x 491 Gilbert AZ Family Photography940 x 1460 Gilbert AZ Child Photography

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Lovely Little Miss K {Gilbert AZ Newborn Photography}

At 7 days new this little newbie came to visit me in home studio.  Her mom brought with her some gorgeous accessories that we got to use in her photo shoot.  I love it when clients bring me goodies to play with!!!

Miss K was super easy  for me at the beginning of our shoot.  Towards the end she did put up a good fight but I won in the end…(insert evil laugh here.)

Loved how these turned out!

940 x 491 Gilbert AZ Maternity Photography 940 x 685 Gilbert AZ Maternity Photographer 940 x 685 Gilbert AZ Maternity Photography 940 x 685 Gilbert AZ Newborn Photography

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Sweet Baby S {Gilbert AZ Newborn Photography}

A new baby is like the beginning of all things-wonder, hope, a dream of possibilities. -Eda J. Le Shan

940 x 373 Gilbert AZ Newborn Photography 940 x 685 Gilbert AZ Newborn Photographer

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Charlotte 3 weeks old {Phoenix Newborn Portraits}

I got to hang out with this little sweet angel in my studio.  Even though she is a little older than I prefer to shoot newborns, we were still able to get her in a few “sleeping” poses.

Some helpful tips if you are planning on having newborn portraits taken:

1.  Book your photographer early.  

I suggest lining one up within your first trimester.  For my clients I will pencil in their session date around their due date, this way I make sure to be available when the time comes and avoid booking too many clients around their tentative session date.

2.  Plan for props

The best thing about booking early is that it gives you time to prop shop!  Do we even need any other reseason to book in advance now:)

3.  Keep things simple

Newborn shoots are best when the focus is on the newborn.  For families with siblings, I suggest taking family portraits when the new baby is at least 3 months old.  This way older siblings can safely hold the baby if parents choose to do so.

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Working should not be this fun {Gilbert Newborn Portraits}

This weekend I had the opportunity to take another amazing workshop from the one and only Justine Miller of Justine Miller Photography.  The woman literally creates magical masterpieces so it was really cool seeing her work in action with live newborn models!

Check out some of the pics from our work/fun-shop:)

Justine going for the “money shot!”

the paparazzi

The lovely and talented ladies I got to hang out with out!

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Hi There! {East Valley Photographer}

Thanks for stopping by!  Here are some of my absolute favorite photos from the past year, enjoy!