Category Archives: what to wear

Stalk Me…Um I Mean Check Me Out!

Well it was high time for an upgrade!

Check out my new website/blog here:

Wear it Wednesdays {Maternity Fall Session}

Here’s some inspiration for a maternity shoot along with some helpful tips to make sure you look your best!

What to Wear for Phoenix Maternity Portraits

1.  Wear layers but don’t bulk it up.  A plain form fitting tank top or long sleeved shirt looks great with a loose fitting sweater that opens in the front.

2.  Avoid stripes, checkers, or any other distracting patterns or logos like the plague!  We want the focus to be on that beautiful bump!

3.  When in doubt, wear a pair of good fitting jeans.  Luckily nowadays they make really cute maternity jeans with elastic waistbands.  I love a pair of skinnies paired with cute boots for fall.

4.  Layer with your jewelry.  Statement necklaces or a fun pair of earings can really add that pop of color you crave.   Plus they won’t hide that gorgeous belly:)

(image from Polyvore)

Wear it Wednesdays {More Senior Styles}

With the temps still in the 90s it’s really hard for me to get in the mood for fall fashions.  Luckily our nights here in Phoenix AZ are starting to cool off!

Here’s more ideas of what to wear for a Senior Portrait Session.  Love this color pallette!  So versatile and easy to pull off!

What to Wear for Phoenix Senior Portraits by Terah Lake Photography

Wear it Wednesdays {Best Scarf Tutorial Ever!!!}

It’s officially Fall….YEAH!!!!!  I love this time of year because we get to break out all those fun fall clothes.  One of my favorite Fall accessories are scarves.  I love throwing one on with a plain t-shirt skinnies and boots for a simple, sophisticated look.  Plus my toddler can’t destroy my scarf when she pulls on it like she does my chunky necklaces.

Scarves are also one of the best ways to add a pop of color to your outfit for a photo session. They come in tons of colors, prints, and patterns and they also help to add layers to your overall look…score!

 I  love wearing them but can never figure out how to wear them in different ways…UNTIL NOW!!!

Check out this 4.5 minute video. It will CHANGE YOUR WARDROBE FOREVER!!!

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Wear it Wednesdays {Family Portraits Gilbert AZ}

You’ve researched photographers and finally found one (hopefully me! wink, wink), picked an awesome location, and now it’s time to figure out what to wear.  I get asked this question a ton from clients so I decided to post some ideas on how to make sure you look your best for your session!


Coordinating is one thing, but wearing the exact same style of white button down shirt and khakis is well pretty boring in my opinion.  Pick a color pallette that everyone could work with.  I like to start with a colorful print dress, shirt, or sweater that the whole family can pull colors from to build their outfit around.  Don’t be afraid to use color and patterns.


If you never wear heels and decide to “dress up” for your portraits, you will most likely be very uncomfortable and feel awkward during your shoot.  This is not the time to feel self-conscious because it will show in your portraits.  Who cares if your family doesn’t own any fancy clothes and the only shoes your husband has in his closet are flip flops.  Let everyone’s personalities shine and always be true to yourself.  Don’t forget to dress accordingly for the season and location as well.


You might have a favorite shirt or dress that everyone has already seen you in.  Add a fun jacket or sweater with a chunky necklace to change things up.  It’s always easier to work with several clothing choices so don’t be afraid to bring some options to the shoot.  I’m sure your photographer will be more than happy to help you determine what would look best on camera.

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